
Lista de conceitos
18 registos listados.
Code Start Date Designation
5937 30-11-2006 ACADEMIC DEGREE Detalhes 2131
1517 28-04-2009 BUILDING Detalhes 6894
3776 18-11-2002 COMMON LAW MARRIAGE Detalhes 2282
10028 27-03-2017 COMPLETE EDUCATIONAL LEVEL Detalhes 10318
2051 24-05-1994 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Detalhes 3697
2405 24-05-1994 EMPLOYMENT STATUS Detalhes 183
1009 24-05-1994 ENUMERATION AREA Detalhes 340
6003 30-11-2006 HIGHER EDUCATION COURSE Detalhes 4599
1485 28-04-2009 HOUSEHOLD DWELLING Detalhes 6069
10367 25-02-2021 LABOUR ACTIVE SEARCH Detalhes 11362
174 11-04-2003 MARITAL STATUS Detalhes 5745
198 26-11-2019 NATIONALITY Detalhes 11124
2394 24-05-1994 OCCUPATION Detalhes 185
201 11-04-2003 PLACE OF BIRTH Detalhes 2180
3642 10-10-2002 PLACE OF USUAL RESIDENCE Detalhes 2664
1012 24-05-1994 STATISTICAL SUBSECTION Detalhes 1926
4322 01-01-2003 SURVEY Detalhes 4197
6110 30-11-2006 UNIVERSITY DEGREE Detalhes 4941

Lista de versões
29 registos listados.
Code Acronym Designation
V03309 Age groups (duration of the university degree completed - 3 years; more than 3 years) Detalhes 3309
V04045 Citizenship, 2018 Detalhes 4045
V00263 Classification of marital status, 2003 Detalhes 263
V04600 Country of birth (national 2), Census Detalhes 4600
V04449 Degrees of difficulty in communication (no difficulty; I can't understand others or make me understand) Detalhes 4449
V04445 Degrees of difficulty in hearing (no difficulty; I can't hear) Detalhes 4445
V04448 Degrees of difficulty in personal care (no difficulty; I can't shower or dress alone) Detalhes 4448
V04447 Degrees of difficulty in remember or concentrate (no difficulty; I can't concentrate or memorize) Detalhes 4447
V04444 Degrees of difficulty in seeing (no difficulty; I can't see) Detalhes 4444
V04446 Degrees of difficulty walking or climbing steps (no difficulty; I can't walk or climb steps) Detalhes 4446
V04640 Geography, Census de 2021 (19/04/2021) (DT/CC/FR/S/SS) Detalhes 4640
V00460 Iso alpha 2 ISO 3166-1- codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - (ISO alpha 2) Detalhes 460
V03678 Levels of education, 2014 (completed - observation) - variant 3 Detalhes 3678
V04380 List of religions, Census Detalhes 4380
V01205 Main mode of transport used in the way house-work, Census Detalhes 1205
V04048 Main source of livelihood, Census Detalhes 4048
V04047 Place of work or study, Census Detalhes 4047
V00554 CAE Rev. 3 Portuguese classification of economic activities, revision 3 Detalhes 554
V02014 CPP 2010 Portuguese classification of occupations, 2010 Detalhes 2014
V04601 Previous residence, Census (2) Detalhes 4601
V04477 Qualifications for higher education, 2020 (Courses - IINQE) Detalhes 4477
V01994 Ranks of duration of pendular movements, Census (until 15; more than 90 minutes) Detalhes 1994
V04443 Reasons for the entry in Portugal, Census Detalhes 4443
V01222 Reasons not to have worked, Census Detalhes 1222
V01198 Residential situation of the person, Census Detalhes 1198
V00235 School attendance, Census Detalhes 235
V00153 Sex Detalhes 153
V04052 Status in employment, Census Detalhes 4052
V00180 Typology yes/no Detalhes 180