Variável 7061 - Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 1.1, C to K) with technological innovation activities and cooperation for innovation (2006 - %)
Vigência Vigente

Variável concetual

External Designation Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 1.1, C to K) with technological innovation activities and cooperation for innovation
Start Date 07-10-2009
End Date  


Short designation Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 1.1, C to K) with technological innovation activities and cooperation for innovation (2006 - %)
Validity Start 07-10-2009
Validity End  
Representation Class Ratio
Value Domain
  • Tipo - Continuous
  • Intervalo - [0;100]
  • Grandeza - -
  • Unidade de medida - Percentage (%)

(Enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 1.1, C to K) with technological innovation activities and cooperation for innovation/ Enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 1.1, C to K) with technological innovation activities)*100

Context Enterprises with 10 and more persons employed, NACE Rev. 1.1, C to K, with exception of NACE 45 and 52 who consider only enterprises with 50 and more persons employed and NACE 55 who consider only enterprises with 250 and more persons employed.
Mandatory Required
Proponent Entity Demographic and Social Statistics Department

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