Variável 9333 - Proportion of turnover of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 2, B to H, J, K, M, Q) with product innovation activities (2010 - %)
Vigência Não vigente

Variável concetual

External Designation Proportion of turnover of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 2, B to H, J, K, M, Q) with product innovation activities
Start Date 25-03-2011
End Date  


Short designation Proportion of turnover of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 2, B to H, J, K, M, Q) with product innovation activities (2010 - %)
Validity Start 04-10-2012
Validity End 08-12-2014
Representation Class Ratio
Value Domain
  • Tipo - Continuous
  • Intervalo - [0;100]
  • Grandeza - -
  • Unidade de medida - Percentage (%)

[Turnover resulted from product innovation sales of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 2, B to H, J, K, M, Q) with product innovation activities/ Turnover of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 2, B to H, J, K, M, Q) with product innovation activities]*100

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Proponent Entity Methodology and Information Systems Department

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