Família Educação
Classificação Classificação dos domínios de formação
Versão V00429 - Classificação dos domínios de educação e formação, 1999 FOET
Nível 3 - 3
Categoria 622 - Horticulture
Fictício Não
Designação abreviada
Nota Horticulture (gardening) is the study of horticultural technology and management, floriculture, greenhouse methods, nursery management, landscape gardening etc. Programmes with the following main content are classified here: - Floriculture - Gardening - Greenkeeping - Horticultural techniques - Nursery management - Turf cultivation
Inclui The laying out and construction of urban and domestic parks and gardens is included in this field. Gardening programmes combining floriculture and growing vegetables are included in this field.
Inclui também
Exclusões Study of soil science, soil fertility and irrigation techniques  -  621
Study of growing crops (plants such as wheat, rice, fruit, vegetables etc, grown in order to be eaten)  -  621
Study of Landscape architecture  -  581
Study of National park management  -  852