Família Profissões/trabalho
Classificação Classificação internacional tipo de profissões para uso na comunidade europeia CITP.COM
Versão V00006 - Classificação internacional tipo de profissões para uso na Comunidade Europeia, versão de 1988 CITP 88.COM
Nível 1 - Grande grupo
Categoria 6 - Skilled agricultural and fishery workers
Fictício Não
Designação abreviada
Nota Sub-major group 61 (Skilled agricultural and fishery workers) consists of those occupations which require skills at the second ISCO skill level (education which begins at the age of 14 or 15 and lasts about three years - a period of on-the-job training may be necessary, which may supplement or replace the formal education) (ILO, 1990; p.157 & 3). Unit groups 6111 and 6112 within minor group 611 (Market gardeners and crop growers) and unit groups 6121 and 6122 within minor group 612 (Animal producers and related workers) are identified in terms of the main agricultural product. Unit group 6129 (Animal producers and related workers not elsewhere classified) is reserved for mixed animal producers, apiarists and sericulturists. No skilled agricultural occupations within the European Community are classified to sub-major group 62 (Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers).
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