Família Profissões/trabalho
Classificação Classificação internacional tipo de profissões para uso na comunidade europeia CITP.COM
Versão V00006 - Classificação internacional tipo de profissões para uso na Comunidade Europeia, versão de 1988 CITP 88.COM
Nível 1 - Grande grupo
Categoria 8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Fictício Não
Designação abreviada
Nota Plant and machine operators and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control, drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment, or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. The work mainly calls for experience with, and an understanding of, industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations. Most occupations in the major group require skills at the second ISCO level (ILO, 1990; p.211).
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