Família Profissões/trabalho
Classificação Classificação internacional tipo de profissões para uso na comunidade europeia CITP.COM
Versão V00006 - Classificação internacional tipo de profissões para uso na Comunidade Europeia, versão de 1988 CITP 88.COM
Nível 1 - Grande grupo
Categoria 5 - Service workers and shop and market sales workers
Fictício Não
Designação abreviada
Nota Service workers and shop and market sales workers provide personal and protective services related to travel, housekeeping, personal care, or protection against fire, unlawful acts, or they pose as models for artistic creation and display, or demonstrate and sell goods in wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments, as at well as stalls and on markets. Most occupations in this major group require skills at the second ISCO level (ILO, 1990; p.143). Minor group 515 (Astrologers, fortune tellers and related workers) in ISCO-88 is not separately identified; such occupations should be classified to unit group 5149 (Other personal services workers not elsewhere classified).
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