Família Educação
Classificação Classificação dos domínios de formação
Versão V00429 - Classificação dos domínios de educação e formação, 1999 FOET
Nível 3 - 3
Categoria 421 - Biology and biochemistry
Fictício Não
Designação abreviada
Nota Biology and biochemistry is the study of the structure, function, reproduction, growth, evolution and behaviour of all living organisms. It comprises the study of biological and related sciences, and includes the study of the chemistry of living organisms. Programmes with the following main content are classified here: - Biochemistry - Biology - Botany - Genetics - Pharmacology - Toxicology - Zoology
Inclui Study of chemical processes in living organisms (biochemistry, toxicology, pharmacology etc.) is included in this field.
Inclui também
Exclusões Study of environmental science, which is study of the relation between living organisms and the environment.  -  422