Família Educação
Classificação Classificação dos domínios de formação
Versão V00429 - Classificação dos domínios de educação e formação, 1999 FOET
Nível 3 - 3
Categoria 146 - Training for teachers of vocational subjects
Fictício Não
Designação abreviada
Nota Training for teachers of vocational subjects Training for teachers of vocational subjects is the study of the theories, methods and practice of vocational/practical teaching and training. Training for music teachers, art teachers and other teachers in aesthetic subjects are included, likewise training for teachers in physical training. Programmes with the following main content are classified here: - Teacher training - arts and crafts - Teacher training -? commercial subjects - Teacher training - music - Teacher training -? nursing - Teacher training - ?physical training - Teacher training -? technical subjects - Driving instructor training - Training of instructors at companies - Training of trainers
Inclui Training of driving instructors is included in this field. Training of trainers for work is included in this field.
Inclui também
Exclusões Training of sport trainers  -  813
Teacher training programmes with both a vocational and a theoretical subject  -  145