Família Profissões/trabalho
Classificação Classificação internacional tipo de profissões para uso na comunidade europeia CITP.COM
Versão V00006 - Classificação internacional tipo de profissões para uso na Comunidade Europeia, versão de 1988 CITP 88.COM
Nível 1 - Grande grupo
Categoria 4 - Clerks
Fictício Não
Designação abreviada
Nota Clerks record, store, compute and retrieve information, perform a number of clerical duties especially in connection with money-handling operations, travel arrangements, request for information and appointments. Most occupations in this group require skills at the second ISCO level (an education level which begins at the age of 14 or 15 and lasts about three years) (ILO, 1990; p.131). Allocation of clerks between sub-major groups 41 (Office clerks) and 42 (Customer services clerks) will be performed with reference to job titles and/or job descriptions. Specific job titles/descriptions which indicate direct customer service interaction (eg. counter clerk, receptionist, telephonist) will result in classification within sub-major group 42 (Customer services clerks). In cases where information is less specific (eg. bank clerk), classification should be to sub-major group 41 (Office clerks).
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