Família Educação
Classificação Classificação dos domínios de formação
Versão V00429 - Classificação dos domínios de educação e formação, 1999 FOET
Nível 3 - 3
Categoria 321 - Journalism and reporting
Fictício Não
Designação abreviada
Nota Journalism and reporting is the study of the theory and practices of journalism/reporting as part of the field of mass communication. Journalism and reporting is about the wording and content of messages. It comprises news reporting, writing commentaries and feature stories of public interest etc. Programmes with the following main content are classified here: - Broadcast journalism - Information (wording and content) - Journalism - Mass communication (wording and content) - News reporting
Inclui também
Exclusões Study of techniques for mass communication (e.g. printing and radio/TV production)  -  213
Study of public relations  -  342
Study of lay-out and publishing design  -  213