Família Educação
Classificação Classificação dos domínios de formação
Versão V00429 - Classificação dos domínios de educação e formação, 1999 FOET
Nível 3 - 3
Categoria 525 - Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft
Fictício Não
Designação abreviada
Nota Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft (Engineering and engineering trades) is the study of designing, developing, producing, maintaining, diagnosing faults in, repairing and servicing motor vehicles, including earth moving equipment and agriculture machines. Typical is the combining of studies in both metal structures and motors. Programmes with the following main content are classified here: - Air craft engineering - Air craft maintenance - Automotive electricity - Automotive engineering - Coachwork - Motorcycle engineering - Panel beating - Shipbuilding - Varnishers/sprayers - Vehicle building and repairing
Inclui Study of vehicle electricity is included in this field.
Inclui também
Exclusões Study of producing and repairing non-motor vehicles is excluded from this field and included in 521 "Mechanics and metal work" (e.g. bicycles)  -  521
Study of producing and repairing non-motor vehicles is excluded from this field and included in 543 "Materials; wood, paper, plastic, glass" (e.g. boats, non-motor).  -  543